The thought of starting a whole new pattern from scratch seemed so daunting it made me want to forgo the whole project. But I had already put in so much time (and supplies) that giving up seemed like a waste. I had to get creative. It's a good thing that the sacral chakra, or Svadhisthana (say that three times fast) is the charka of creativity. It is also known as the sexual chakra but that may be a post for another time.
I had taken some screen shots of the pattern while I was working on it, but the screen shots only showed bits and pieces and did not include all the errors I had corrected. I had to use this incomplete pattern and attempt to use it to finish my piece. Unlike a pencil drawing, I would not be able to just wing something and erase it if I didn't like it. I had to visualize the missing pieces of the pattern in my head and then try my best to recreate that on the cloth. And I would pretty much have to commit to the final project. Taking out that many stitches would be a waster and it would be hard on the cloth.
Because of this daunting task, I admit that I had to force myself to finish. I made myself sit down and struggle with this obstacle. I told myself, "Whatever happens, happens. No it won't be perfect, but at least you can say you finished it." Before I knew it I was done. Like my first piece in this series, the finished product is soooooo not perfect. But once again I learned some hard lessons.
I thought this piece was going to be easier cause I had planned it out better than my last, but an unexpected hiccup threw my plans out the window. This happens in life too and it was a great reminder that even when every thing goes to shit, to not give up and to get creative with problem solving. It was also a reminder that I need to keep moving forward with my art even if I don't "feel" like doing it. Art requires discipline, whether it be writing, acting, dancing,painting, or drawing. In order to grow in your art form you have to keep doing it. In acting conservatory we were told that a professional is someone who will do their craft even if they don't "feel" like it. Well I didn't feel like writing this, nor did I feel like finishing my piece, but I did. And I'm glad.
And here it is. Perfect in it's imperfection, or whatever.
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